Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Havana Township
Page 763

JOHN H. HAVIGHORST, Sr., retired, Havana; was born in Hanover, Germany, Jan. 27. 1820, and came to the United States in 1836. stopping in New Orleans until the following summer; he then came to Mason Oo., III., and settled in Havana Township, where he engaged in farming until 1840, when he entered the store of John H. Schulteas a clerk, at Schulte's Landing, about one mile below the city of Havana; in 1844, he commenced business on his own account at Matanzas, and remained there until 1858. He was elected Sheriff of Mason Co. in the fall of that year, and moved to Havana, where he still resides; was again elected in the fall of 1862, and elected Circuit Clerk in 1864, serving four years; he also served as Sheriff two years, beginning in 1848. He was married, April 16, 1842, to Miss Susanna Mounts, a native of Kentucky, who died in 1851; three children were the result of this marriage:  Henry H., Maggie H. (wife of John C. McBride, residing at Jacksonville) and John H.. Jr. He was married to Sarah J. Skinner Dec. 23, 1852; she was born in Erie Co.. N. Y.; they have had four children, three of whom are living:  Horace R., Chester M. and Lulie; Myra M. (died Feb. 3, 1877).

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer